Middle of February, North of Europe. Outside, is focking freezing!! God you wish some sun and blu sky... Here it comes the idea to plan some holidays to Tenerife, or Lanzarote right? Wrong. Why do not come to Sardinia instead? There is a flight from London, with Ryanair, cheap and short. We will pick you up at the airport, and bring you exactly in the midle of the island. I really mean it. There is literally nothing, except us, of course, a huge forest, a church and a small restaurant. There you will stay in an amazing villa with your own room with a private bathroom, sourranded by ancient trees, waterfalls, medieval villages and the purest air you can ever breath. Then every morning we come up with a plan. One day we will bring you to the beach, ( its only 30 minutes away), another day we can have a walk down the forest, and another day we can visit some other monuments or take a boat, or simply relax and enjoy the nice weather under a tree. Doesn't it sound better than Lanzarote? DO NOT WONDER AROUND about your next holiday! Fill in the easy form and find yourself in Sardinia in 4 easy steps... visit www.localsardinia.com
![]() Get your idea right. Got it? Let's go! Put all the ingridients together: a villa in the midle of the island, a Minivan, a huge passion for your own place and two lovely people ready to manage all of it as a family. Now let's start. Can you sell the package? Ehm...no. Sorry, only tour operator can do that. Sure, can I be a tour operator. Yes! if you have 2 years of experience as a Tour Operator. No problem! Ok let's try another way. Can I be a tourist guide? No, you need a specific degree for it. What about driving people around? Sure! If you are a car rental! FATTI FRITTI! (Literally: Fried facts) is the correct name for the recipe. But don't worry, we are working on it!! ![]() I am not here to tell you how wonderful my Island (Sardinia) is. You know that right? ;) I think there is many beutiful places in the world, and most of them are not visited, unfortunately. But, please, try to remember for a second your last holiday, have you had a look at least once, at the many, many pictures you took? Probably not. We are so busy with our lifes between work and sharing how amazing we are on the internet that we often forget to enjoy, just for ourselves, the exact moment we are living. Enough of philosophy 3.0, seriously think of it... Does it feel good? What would you have changed? What did you miss? We came up with this crazy idea to make holidays an experience. To include in it a point of contact between locals and tourist. To do not simply limiting people at seeing a place, but to give a full explanation on what is it or does, directly from the people that know it better, from the people living there, hence LOCAL EXPERIENCE. Is it something you might like? Please let us know! www.localsardinia.com ![]() I could start telling the story of LOCAL SARDINIA, in Barcelona, when I did my MBA and I thought about creating my own company. Although the idea already existed when my Irish friends came to Sardinia in 2009 and we had an amazing holiday driving around the island all together. It could also start in my childhood, when i had to pool down shrubs from the chicken coop, to have them ready for my grandma in the morning, to make bread. This would be a long post! I remember I liked it, the house seemed so big and the air, so fresh and clean at 5 am, in the dark, listening to all the roosters singing, it was a tough, but some how enjoyable, job. Still all these stories for how beautiful they are, do not give the full picture of LOCAL SARDINIA. The Childhood in Sardinia was poor, and futureless, still today the oldest would tell you: "Go Away! There is nothing good in here!". The holiday, with my friends was beautiful because of them, beacuse we were on holiday all together, and the Master for how good taught me about involving passion in my work, could have not transmit me any passion, about what I did back then. Of course, all these points are key factors to what is LOCAL SARDNIA today, but nothing would have been possible without an encounter I did in 2010 during a holiday in Bratislava. Susanna, actually Zuzana, as I discovered later, came to my life like a bit of fresh air when you open the window in the morning, not only she was kind like snowhite to animals and nature, she was also humble and tiredless like Cindarella on drugs. Of couse I felt in love, who would not? But I also realize soon the possibility to create a future together. You know me thinking forward..... Of course nothing has been easy and immediate as it sounds on this post, but we worked trough it and we spent a lot of time thinking, planning, talking, oh god we talk so much, every day... So I think the best point to start would be one of those days in Barcelona when I came back from work, and I was tired of everything, my job, the metro, people, landlords,eletricity companies, rubbish on the street, rubbish on the floor, etc... so I came home, I met Susanna, we sat on the balcony and we started talking... |